VWO Engage currently provides support for the following browsers -

  1. Chrome (MacOS, Windows, Android)
  2. Firefox (MacOS, Windows)
  3. Opera (Windows, Android)

Want support for any other browsers? Get in touch with us at support@vwo.com

Here is how VWO Engage works:

  1. You install VWO JavaScript and all other necessary files on your website
  2. By default, we trigger an opt-in box for users on pages where VWO JavaScript file is present. (Browsers require opt-in from users before you can send them push notifications)
  3. If users opt-in to push notifications, we generate a VWO Engage specific subscriber ID for them. (Through our JavaScript API, you can get subscriber ID and store it in your database to associate it with specific users)
  4. For sending notifications to users, you can either use VWO Engage database and send to all or specific segments of users OR you can use our REST API to send notifications to specific users (corresponding to subscriber IDs stored in your database)

That's it! It is this simple to use VWO Engage API to enable instant communication with your users.