Trigger Preference Modal Box to let subscribers manage their notification preferences

This is used to explicitly trigger the Preference Modal Box to let subscribers manage their notification preferences.


  1. triggerPreferences: Command to trigger the Preference Modal Box.

  2. settingsObject:(Type: DictionaryStrings, Optional):
    Contents of 'Settings Object' Dictionary:

    i. **Modal Title text:**(Type: String, Default: ‘You are subscribed to notifications from <account_company_name>’) - This is the general descriptive heading for the preference modal box.
    ii. **Start Tracking Button text:** (Type: String, Default: ‘Start Usage Tracking’) - This button lets subscribers restart their usage tracking if previously stopped.
    iii. **Stop Tracking Button text:** (Type: String, Default: ‘Stop Usage Tracking’) - This button lets subscribers stop their usage tracking.
    iv. **Access Data Button text:**(Type: String, Default: ‘Access My Notifications Data’) - This button lets subscribers download all their data stored at VWO Engage's end from your account.
    v. **Delete Data Button text:**(Type: String, Default: ‘Unsubscribe and Delete All My Data’) - This button lets subscribers unsubscribe from Web Push Notifications on your website and delete all their data stored at VWO Engage's end.


  1. If User is not subscribed: Does not show the Preference Modal Box.

  2. If User is subscribed: Shows the Preference Modal Box with the default values.

  3. If User has blocked: Does not show the Preference Modal Box.

  4. If User has unsubscribed: Shows the preference modal box. However, user can't take any action on this modal.

Example code:

window._pcq = window._pcq || [];
_pcq.push(['triggerPreferences']); //Calls Preference Modal Box with the default text

window._pcq = window._pcq || [];
_pcq.push(['triggerPreferences', 'Modal Title', 'Start Button', 'Stop Button', 'Access Data Button', 'Delete Data Button']); //Calls Preference Modal Box with the given custom texts

Please Note: The order of the text parameters is important.